Primary Site name: JERASH
Other Site Names: نهر الذهب, Jarash, JADIS: 2318002, jerash, جرش, Gerasa ( Decapolis)
Governorate: JERASH Sub-governorate: Jerash
MEGA Number: 58418
Site Map:
Coordinates (Long Lat): 35.89489 32.28392, 35.89483 32.28383, 35.89483 32.28376, 35.89481 32.28355, 35.89482 32.28341, 35.8948 32.28332, 35.89479 32.28322, 35.89478 32.28313, 35.89477 32.28305, 35.89476 32.28294, 35.89474 32.28285, 35.89476 32.2828, 35.89472 32.2827, 35.8947 32.28266, 35.89467 32.28265, 35.89464 32.28266, 35.89459 32.28266, 35.89458 32.28262, 35.89456 32.28259, 35.89455 32.28249, 35.89451 32.28236, 35.8945 32.28227, 35.89451 32.28222, 35.89449 32.28209, 35.89448 32.28204, 35.89447 32.282, 35.89446 32.28196, 35.89454 32.28187, 35.89458 32.28178, 35.8946 32.28172, 35.89458 32.28166, 35.8945 32.28157, 35.89442 32.28144, 35.89433 32.28134, 35.89424 32.28116, 35.89418 32.28109, 35.89409 32.281, 35.89396 32.28087, 35.8937 32.28061, 35.89346 32.28032, 35.89323 32.28001, 35.89312 32.27985, 35.89302 32.27969, 35.89289 32.27954, 35.89273 32.27934, 35.8925 32.27894, 35.89237 32.27878, 35.8923 32.27871, 35.89233 32.27868, 35.89225 32.27859, 35.89229 32.27857, 35.89228 32.27849, 35.89229 32.27782, 35.89226 32.27723, 35.8922 32.27711, 35.89204 32.27653, 35.89188 32.27622, 35.89179 32.27607, 35.89166 32.2759, 35.89141 32.2754, 35.89136 32.27522, 35.89137 32.27478, 35.8914 32.27412, 35.89144 32.27336, 35.89148 32.27267, 35.89148 32.27198, 35.89146 32.27191, 35.89141 32.27191, 35.89109 32.27187, 35.89042 32.27179, 35.88984 32.27156, 35.88942 32.27135, 35.88927 32.27132, 35.88916 32.27133, 35.88909 32.27137, 35.88906 32.27144, 35.88918 32.27218, 35.88924 32.27237, 35.88921 32.27249, 35.88913 32.27257, 35.88906 32.27269, 35.88912 32.27277, 35.8892 32.27286, 35.88933 32.27309, 35.8895 32.2734, 35.88972 32.27367, 35.88956 32.27382, 35.88972 32.27396, 35.88965 32.27414, 35.8897 32.27425, 35.88973 32.27444, 35.88993 32.27473, 35.88963 32.27485, 35.88931 32.27493, 35.88938 32.27507, 35.88947 32.27523, 35.88955 32.27538, 35.88956 32.27551, 35.88948 32.27567, 35.88926 32.27596, 35.88893 32.27636, 35.88862 32.27672, 35.88806 32.27741, 35.88691 32.27876, 35.88719 32.27956, 35.88744 32.28036, 35.88753 32.28082, 35.88753 32.2812, 35.88754 32.28159, 35.88757 32.28198, 35.88761 32.28215, 35.88766 32.2824, 35.88775 32.28262, 35.88786 32.28284, 35.88786 32.28288, 35.88788 32.28291, 35.88792 32.28292, 35.88796 32.28294, 35.88803 32.28301, 35.88803 32.28305, 35.88802 32.28308, 35.88804 32.28309, 35.88807 32.28307, 35.88817 32.28315, 35.88821 32.28319, 35.88825 32.28323, 35.88839 32.28334, 35.88862 32.28354, 35.8888 32.28362, 35.88893 32.28375, 35.88905 32.28386, 35.88912 32.28395, 35.8892 32.28401, 35.88938 32.28429, 35.88947 32.28437, 35.88959 32.2845, 35.88983 32.28478, 35.88993 32.28489, 35.89014 32.28491, 35.89052 32.28492, 35.89093 32.28491, 35.89124 32.28489, 35.89155 32.28491, 35.89168 32.28491, 35.89181 32.28494, 35.89204 32.28498, 35.89216 32.28499, 35.89242 32.28497, 35.89266 32.28493, 35.89275 32.28494, 35.89283 32.28498, 35.89304 32.28505, 35.8929 32.28488, 35.89282 32.28478, 35.89277 32.28465, 35.89289 32.28456, 35.893 32.28455, 35.89319 32.2845, 35.89335 32.28448, 35.89354 32.28445, 35.89379 32.28434, 35.89385 32.28462, 35.89388 32.28482, 35.89402 32.28499, 35.89442 32.28482, 35.89456 32.28475, 35.89461 32.2847, 35.89475 32.28458, 35.89483 32.28452, 35.89509 32.28423, 35.89509 32.28416, 35.89506 32.28411, 35.89502 32.28407, 35.89498 32.28403, 35.89493 32.28398, 35.89489 32.28392
Total Area (m²): 601825.1; Perimeter (m): 4142.2
Buffer Zone (m): 0
Period(s) Recorded for Site:
9003 (Paleolithic, Upper); 9024 (Early Bronze, Unspecified); 9026 (Middle Bronze IIb-c); 9028 (Late Bronze I); 9029 (Late Bronze IIa-b); 9031 (Iron Age I); 9032 (Iron Age IIa-b); 9033 (Iron Age IIc); 9036 (Hellenistic, Early); 9038 (Hellenistic, Late); 9042 (Nabataean, Late); 9044 (Roman, Early); 9045 (Roman, Late); 9046 (Roman, Unspecified); 9047 (Byzantine, Early); 9048 (Byzantine, Late); 9049 (Byzantine, Unspecified); 9050 (Islamic, Umayyad); 9051 (Islamic, Abbasid); 9052 (Islamic, Fatimid); 9053 (Islamic, Ayyubid); 9054 (Islamic, Mamluk); 9055 (Islamic, Unspecified); 9058 (Ottoman, Late); 9060 (Modern (1915-1950)); 9999 (Unspecified/Unknown Period)
DoA Office Responsible:
Jarash Antiquities Office
Site Investigators:
Investigator(s): Ali Alowaisi, DOA; None
Investigation Date: March 2, 2011
Site Comments: [e.g., accuracy of coordinates; directions to Site]
لوصول للمدينة الاثرية من خلال الطريق الرئيسي الواصل مدينة جرش بعمان / المسمى بخط اربد- عمان
Site Significance:
Scientific Value تعتبر من اهم مدن الديكابولس، ومن اقدم المدن الرومانية خارج الامبراطورية الرومانية. والمحافظ عليها. فما زالت عمارتها قائمة لحد الان
Historical Value يعود الاستيطان البشري في مدبنة جرش للعصر الحجري الحديث (النيوليثيك) ويستمر الاستيطان فيها عبر العصور التاريخية القديمة والبرونزيةوالحديدية واليونانية ( الهلينستية) وتزدهر المدينة في العصر الروماني ويليها العصور الاسلامية الاموية
Aesthetic Value ويبرز جمال المدينة بأعمدتها المزخرفة وأبنيتها الشامخة
Social Value ترعرع سكان جرش في المدينة الاثرية وكانو يزرعون المصاطب فيها بالقمح والشعير وبعض منها كالاشجار المثمرة كالزيتون. وبعد ترميم الموقع تم استخدامه لاقامة مهرجان جرش للثقافة والفنون الذي يعتبر مردود ثقافي ومادي لاهل المنطقة
Spiritual Value
Record History:
Last Modified By Samar Habahbeh
Last Modified On May 20, 2018
Record Created By Ali Owaisi
Record Created On March 2, 2011
Record Review Status:
Status: Under Review
Reviewer: None
Review Date: None
The following 131 site element(s) have been recognized at this site:
MEGA NumberElement TypePeriod(s) Recorded for Site Element:
16248402 Burial, Cave (Loculus/Arcosolium)
9045 Roman, Late
16229603 Kiln
9045 Roman, Late
16246807 Frescoes
9047 Byzantine, Early
16212513 Settlement, Fortified
9044 Roman, Early
16199834 Water Structure, Aqueduct
9048 Byzantine, Late
16206835 Water Structure, Cistern
9048 Byzantine, Late
16258902 Sherd/Flint Scatter or Other Material Culture (Excavated)
9028 Late Bronze I
16194902 Sherd/Flint Scatter or Other Material Culture (Excavated)
9031 Iron Age I
16234413 Mausoleum
9044 Roman, Early
16254815 Monumental Gateway/Arch
9045 Roman, Late
16233412 Hypogaeum
9044 Roman, Early
16213816 Mosaic
9048 Byzantine, Late
16225802 Bridge
9045 Roman, Late
16232704 Inscription, Kufic
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
16241514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9038 Hellenistic, Late
16201831 Theater(Odeon)
9003 Paleolithic, Upper
16257705 Inscription, Latin
9048 Byzantine, Late
16240514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9060 Modern (1915-1950)
16210821 Road
9047 Byzantine, Early
16230514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9058 Ottoman, Late
16235603 Kiln
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
16256413 Mausoleum
9042 Nabataean, Late
16227513 Settlement, Fortified
9053 Islamic, Ayyubid
16244514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9033 Iron Age IIc
16216513 Settlement, Fortified
9045 Roman, Late
16211513 Settlement, Fortified
9048 Byzantine, Late
16217308 Temple
9044 Roman, Early
16224603 Kiln
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
16250816 Mosaic
9047 Byzantine, Early
16261830 Tabun
9033 Iron Age IIc
16253705 Inscription, Latin
9003 Paleolithic, Upper
16262304 Mosque
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
16220835 Water Structure, Cistern
9045 Roman, Late
16218831 Theater(Odeon)
9045 Roman, Late
16260301 Church/Chapel
9047 Byzantine, Early
58425304 Mosque
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
58449814 Milestone
9045 Roman, Late
58447514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9032 Iron Age IIa-b
58430809 Hippodrome
9044 Roman, Early
58423301 Church/Chapel
9047 Byzantine, Early
58432301 Church/Chapel
9024 Early Bronze, Unspecified
58419308 Temple
9044 Roman, Early
58431801 Baths
9046 Roman, Unspecified
58422301 Church/Chapel
9047 Byzantine, Early
58433815 Monumental Gateway/Arch
9045 Roman, Late
58421301 Church/Chapel
9047 Byzantine, Early
58424513 Settlement, Fortified
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
58420831 Theater(Odeon)
9044 Roman, Early
58427819 Plaza/Forum
9044 Roman, Early
58426699 Unspecified/Unknown Industrial
9046 Roman, Unspecified
58429831 Theater(Odeon)
9044 Roman, Early
58441513 Settlement, Fortified
9047 Byzantine, Early
58448301 Church/Chapel
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
58428308 Temple
9044 Roman, Early
16190514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9032 Iron Age IIa-b
16204834 Water Structure, Aqueduct
9047 Byzantine, Early
16242835 Water Structure, Cistern
9047 Byzantine, Early
16247513 Settlement, Fortified
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
16231603 Kiln
9048 Byzantine, Late
16243816 Mosaic
9045 Roman, Late
16226704 Inscription, Kufic
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
16205701 Inscription, Arabic
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
16192901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9036 Hellenistic, Early
16237821 Road
9045 Roman, Late
16252830 Tabun
9032 Iron Age IIa-b
16207705 Inscription, Latin
9045 Roman, Late
16221814 Milestone
9045 Roman, Late
16239819 Plaza/Forum
9045 Roman, Late
16251413 Mausoleum
9045 Roman, Late
16255816 Mosaic
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
16249703 Inscription, Greek
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
16198825 Statue/Sculpture/Bas-Relief
9045 Roman, Late
16196606 Smelting Site/Slag Heap
9048 Byzantine, Late
16228902 Sherd/Flint Scatter or Other Material Culture (Excavated)
9026 Middle Bronze IIb-c
16197412 Hypogaeum
9045 Roman, Late
16191412 Hypogaeum
9042 Nabataean, Late
16202402 Burial, Cave (Loculus/Arcosolium)
9047 Byzantine, Early
16238814 Milestone
9047 Byzantine, Early
16259834 Water Structure, Aqueduct
9045 Roman, Late
16223308 Temple
9045 Roman, Late
16208838 Water Structure, Reservoir (Birket)
9045 Roman, Late
16236902 Sherd/Flint Scatter or Other Material Culture (Excavated)
9029 Late Bronze IIa-b
16189513 Settlement, Fortified
9047 Byzantine, Early
16209514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
16222801 Baths
9045 Roman, Late
16245703 Inscription, Greek
9047 Byzantine, Early
16193499 Unspecified/Unknown Funerary
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
16219703 Inscription, Greek
9048 Byzantine, Late
16215699 Unspecified/Unknown Industrial
9048 Byzantine, Late
16203301 Church/Chapel
9048 Byzantine, Late
58684301 Church/Chapel
9048 Byzantine, Late
9055 Islamic, Unspecified
59414301 Church/Chapel
9048 Byzantine, Late
59849513 Settlement, Fortified
9046 Roman, Unspecified
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
9055 Islamic, Unspecified
59851835 Water Structure, Cistern
9046 Roman, Unspecified
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
9055 Islamic, Unspecified
59850806 Domestic Installation (Rock-Cut or in Natural Cave)
9046 Roman, Unspecified
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
9055 Islamic, Unspecified
59858826 Souk/Market
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
59852605 Quarry
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
59887507 Hearth
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
59888823 Rock-cut Basin
9046 Roman, Unspecified
59893201 Agricultural Terrace
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
59892838 Water Structure, Reservoir (Birket)
9046 Roman, Unspecified
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
59886605 Quarry
9046 Roman, Unspecified
59889825 Statue/Sculpture/Bas-Relief
9046 Roman, Unspecified
59891837 Water Structure, Qanat
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
59857826 Souk/Market
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
9051 Islamic, Abbasid
59872306 Sanctuary
9044 Roman, Early
59890835 Water Structure, Cistern
9046 Roman, Unspecified
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
59859833 Wall, unspecified
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
61888834 Water Structure, Aqueduct
9046 Roman, Unspecified
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
61924834 Water Structure, Aqueduct
9058 Ottoman, Late
61927834 Water Structure, Aqueduct
9046 Roman, Unspecified
64123206 Press, Wine
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
9046 Roman, Unspecified
64135513 Settlement, Fortified
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
9054 Islamic, Mamluk
9046 Roman, Unspecified
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
64125206 Press, Wine
9046 Roman, Unspecified
9055 Islamic, Unspecified
64127835 Water Structure, Cistern
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
9055 Islamic, Unspecified
64124703 Inscription, Greek
9047 Byzantine, Early
64126833 Wall, unspecified
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
9055 Islamic, Unspecified
64128835 Water Structure, Cistern
9055 Islamic, Unspecified
64136825 Statue/Sculpture/Bas-Relief
9046 Roman, Unspecified
64130816 Mosaic
9047 Byzantine, Early
64129833 Wall, unspecified
9046 Roman, Unspecified
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
64122505 Cave/Shelter
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
9046 Roman, Unspecified
64290835 Water Structure, Cistern
9046 Roman, Unspecified
9048 Byzantine, Late
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
9052 Islamic, Fatimid
64289810 Isolated Structure/House
9048 Byzantine, Late
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
9052 Islamic, Fatimid
64530511 Palace
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
9054 Islamic, Mamluk
64534835 Water Structure, Cistern
9046 Roman, Unspecified
64529835 Water Structure, Cistern
9046 Roman, Unspecified
64533301 Church/Chapel
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
64531209 Villa
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
64532209 Villa
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
68371810 Isolated Structure/House
9045 Roman, Late
9047 Byzantine, Early
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
9051 Islamic, Abbasid
Site References:
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This report summarizes the existing information in the system and should never be regarded as a final statement on the archaeological site being considered, nor should it be substituted for an on-site survey.