Primary Site name: MAZAR
Other Site Names: تل المزار, Tall el Mazar, JADIS: 2018002
Governorate: BALQA Sub-governorate: Dair Alla
MEGA Number: 2662
Site Map:
Coordinates (Long Lat): 35.60686 32.22296, 35.6061 32.22281, 35.60576 32.22267, 35.60551 32.22244, 35.60537 32.22225, 35.60532 32.22202, 35.60547 32.22172, 35.60566 32.22153, 35.60589 32.22143, 35.60623 32.22144, 35.60658 32.22151, 35.60697 32.22188, 35.60721 32.22227, 35.60718 32.22253, 35.60702 32.22278, 35.60686 32.22296
Total Area (m²): 21478.3; Perimeter (m): 537.6
Buffer Zone (m): 0
Period(s) Recorded for Site:
9027 (Middle Bronze, Unspecified); 9030 (Late Bronze, Unspecified); 9031 (Iron Age I); 9032 (Iron Age IIa-b); 9033 (Iron Age IIc); 9034 (Iron Age III (Persian)); 9035 (Iron Age, Unspecified); 9036 (Hellenistic, Early); 9044 (Roman, Early); 9050 (Islamic, Umayyad); 9051 (Islamic, Abbasid); 9999 (Unspecified/Unknown Period)
DoA Office Responsible:
Salt Antiquities Office
Site Investigators:
Investigator(s): Husein jarrah, DoA; None
Investigation Date: None
Site Comments: [e.g., accuracy of coordinates; directions to Site]
Site Significance:
Scientific Value
Historical Value
Aesthetic Value
Social Value
Spiritual Value
Record History:
Last Modified By Samar Habahbeh
Last Modified On September 19, 2011
Record Created On July 1, 2010
Record Review Status:
Status: Under Review
Reviewer: None
Review Date: None
The following 32 site element(s) have been recognized at this site:
MEGA NumberElement TypePeriod(s) Recorded for Site Element:
14348699 Unspecified/Unknown Industrial
9035 Iron Age, Unspecified
9034 Iron Age III (Persian)
14349514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9033 Iron Age IIc
14350408 Cemetery
9032 Iron Age IIa-b
14351830 Tabun
9035 Iron Age, Unspecified
9034 Iron Age III (Persian)
14352506 Fortress
9032 Iron Age IIa-b
14353830 Tabun
9033 Iron Age IIc
14354829 Storage Facility/Silo
9033 Iron Age IIc
14355799 Unspecified/Unknown Inscription
9033 Iron Age IIc
14356829 Storage Facility/Silo
9036 Hellenistic, Early
14357306 Sanctuary
9031 Iron Age I
14358901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9044 Roman, Early
14359408 Cemetery
9036 Hellenistic, Early
14360514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9035 Iron Age, Unspecified
9034 Iron Age III (Persian)
14361901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9027 Middle Bronze, Unspecified
14362408 Cemetery
9035 Iron Age, Unspecified
9034 Iron Age III (Persian)
14363408 Cemetery
9033 Iron Age IIc
14364499 Unspecified/Unknown Funerary
9035 Iron Age, Unspecified
9034 Iron Age III (Persian)
14365506 Fortress
9031 Iron Age I
14366829 Storage Facility/Silo
9035 Iron Age, Unspecified
9034 Iron Age III (Persian)
14367901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
14368511 Palace
9033 Iron Age IIc
14369702 Inscription, Aramaic
9036 Hellenistic, Early
14370901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
14371901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9030 Late Bronze, Unspecified
14372901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
14373406 Burial, Pit
9035 Iron Age, Unspecified
9034 Iron Age III (Persian)
14374506 Fortress
9033 Iron Age IIc
14375408 Cemetery
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
14376404 Burial, Jar
9035 Iron Age, Unspecified
9034 Iron Age III (Persian)
14377399 Unspecified/Unknown Religious Structures
9031 Iron Age I
14378901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9051 Islamic, Abbasid
14379499 Unspecified/Unknown Funerary
9031 Iron Age I
Site References:
Primary AuthorDateTitle
BORDREUIL P. & GUBEL E.1983Bulletin d'Antiquites Archeologiques du Levant Inedites ou Meconnues. I. Fouilles Archeologiques
DISI A.M. ET AL.1983Tell El-Mazar : Study of the Human Skeletal Remains
GLUECK N.1951Explorations in Eastern Palestine IV , New Haven. (AASOR 25-28 =EEP4)
HOMES-FREDERICQ D. & FRANKEN H.J.1984eds., Argile, source de vie. Sept millenaires de ceramique en Jordanie , Bruxelles. (= Documents du Proche-Orient ancien 3)
IBRAHIM M. ET AL.1976The East Jordan Valley Survey, 1975
KASWALDER P.1984Yassine Kh., "Tell el Mazar, I: Cemetery A", Amman (1984) = PICCIRILLO ed.,
KNAUF E.A.1984Zwei Siegel vom Tell el-Mazar
MAISLER B.1930Untersuchungen zur alten Geschichte und Ethnographie Syriens undPalastinas I , Giessen. (= Arbeiten aus dem Orientalischen Seminar der Universitat Giessen 2)
MELLAART J.1962Preliminary Report of the Archaeological Survey in the Yarmuk and Jordan Valley for the Point Four Irrigation Scheme
SAUER J.A.1979Babylonian-Persian Cemetery at Tell el-Mazar
SAVIGNAC M.R.1936Chronique : Sur les pistes de Transjordanie Meridionale
YASSINE K.N.1984The Open Court Sanctuary of the Iron Age I Tell el-Mazar Mound A
YASSINE K.N.1982Ammonite Seals from Tell El-Mazar
YASSINE K.N.1983Tell el Mazar, Field I. Preliminary Report of Area G,H,L, and M: The Summit
YASSINE K.N.1978Pre-Second Millennium Dwellings in Palestine
YASSINE K.N.1984Tell el Mazar, I: Cemetery A , Amman.
YASSINE K.N. & BORDREUIL P.1982Deux cachets ouest semitiques inscrits decouverts a Tell Mazar (further notes)
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This report summarizes the existing information in the system and should never be regarded as a final statement on the archaeological site being considered, nor should it be substituted for an on-site survey.