Primary Site name: SIYAGHA (MOUNT NEBO)
Other Site Names: JADIS: 2113003, Mount Nebo
Governorate: MADABA Sub-governorate: Feisaliyeh
MEGA Number: 2676
Site Map:
Coordinates (Long Lat): 35.72561 31.76887, 35.72436 31.76894, 35.7239 31.76877, 35.72347 31.76813, 35.72341 31.76779, 35.72344 31.76754, 35.72359 31.76732, 35.72377 31.76722, 35.72433 31.76693, 35.72565 31.76659, 35.72753 31.76667, 35.72758 31.76687, 35.72732 31.76734, 35.7266 31.76813, 35.72561 31.76887
Total Area (m²): 71556.6; Perimeter (m): 1049.9
Buffer Zone (m): 0
Period(s) Recorded for Site:
9003 (Paleolithic, Upper); 9046 (Roman, Unspecified); 9047 (Byzantine, Early); 9048 (Byzantine, Late); 9050 (Islamic, Umayyad)
DoA Office Responsible:
Madaba Antiquities Office
Site Investigators:
Investigator(s): 2007-2008 Data, DOA; None
Investigation Date: None
Site Comments: [e.g., accuracy of coordinates; directions to Site]
Site Significance:
Scientific Value
Historical Value
Aesthetic Value
Social Value
Spiritual Value
Record History:
Last Modified By Samar Habahbeh
Last Modified On March 16, 2016
Record Created On July 1, 2010
Record Review Status:
Status: Under Review
Reviewer: None
Review Date: None
The following 24 site element(s) have been recognized at this site:
MEGA NumberElement TypePeriod(s) Recorded for Site Element:
14529413 Mausoleum
9046 Roman, Unspecified
14530816 Mosaic
9047 Byzantine, Early
14531899 Unspecified/Unknown General Site Element (Specify)
9003 Paleolithic, Upper
14532403 Burial, in Church
9048 Byzantine, Late
14533206 Press, Wine
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
14534837 Water Structure, Qanat
9003 Paleolithic, Upper
14535301 Church/Chapel
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
14536403 Burial, in Church
9047 Byzantine, Early
14537515 Tower
9046 Roman, Unspecified
14538816 Mosaic
9048 Byzantine, Late
14539838 Water Structure, Reservoir (Birket)
9048 Byzantine, Late
14540838 Water Structure, Reservoir (Birket)
9003 Paleolithic, Upper
14541703 Inscription, Greek
9048 Byzantine, Late
14542899 Unspecified/Unknown General Site Element (Specify)
9048 Byzantine, Late
14543301 Church/Chapel
9048 Byzantine, Late
14544703 Inscription, Greek
9047 Byzantine, Early
14545804 Courtyard
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
14546837 Water Structure, Qanat
9048 Byzantine, Late
14547301 Church/Chapel
9047 Byzantine, Early
14548206 Press, Wine
9048 Byzantine, Late
14549206 Press, Wine
9003 Paleolithic, Upper
14550303 Monastery
9047 Byzantine, Early
14551303 Monastery
9048 Byzantine, Late
14552837 Water Structure, Qanat
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
Site References:
Primary AuthorDateTitle
ABEL F.-M.1931Exploration du sud-est de la vallee du Jourdain
ABEL F.-M.1933Geographie de la Palestine. I:Geographie physique et historique,Paris.
BAGATTI B.1936Edifici cristiani nella regione del Nebo
BAGATTI B.1950Sulle ceramiche antiche di Palestine (Recensione a H. SCHNEIDER,The Pottery of Nebo)
BAGATTI B.1941Il monastero del Nebo a gli antichi monasteri della Palestina =Atti del IV Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Christiana ,Citta del Vaticano,p.89-110.
BAGATTI B.1978Un sigillo inedito della regione del Nebo
COGAN M.1979The Men of Nebo - Repatriated Reunebites
CORBO V.1970Scavi archeologici sotto i mosaici della basilica del Monte Nebo(Siyagha)
CORBO V.1964Ricordi dell'antico cristianesimo nel paese di Moab
CORBO V.1967Nuovi scavi archeologici nella cappella del battistero della basilica del Nebo (Siyagha)
CROWFOOT J.W.1938Early Churches in Palestine , London.
GLUECK N.1935Explorations in Eastern Palestine II , New Haven. (AASOR 15 = EEP 2)
LISSNER I.1963The Tomb of Moses is still Undiscovered
PICCIRILLO M.1984J'ai mis au jour des mosaiques
PICCIRILLO M.1977Campagne archeologique dans la basilique du Mont Nebo-Siyagha
PICCIRILLO M.1976New Discoveries on Mount Nebo
PICCIRILLO M.1976Campagna archeologica nella basilica di Mose Profeta sul Monte Nebo-Siyagha
PICCIRILLO M.1978Un quarantennio die ricerche sulla cima di Sijagha al monte Nebo- Giordania. Risultati e problemi
PICCIRILLO M.1982Forty Years of Archaeological Work at Mount Nebo-Siyagha in LateRoman - Byzantine Jordan
SALLER S.J.1938Excavations in Palestine, 1935-6 : Ras Siyagha
SALLER S.J.1934De Inscriptionibus in Monte Siaghah (Nebo) inventis
SALLER S.J.1966Iron Age Tombs at Nebo, Jordan
SALLER S.J.1934Chronique : L'eglise du Mont Nebo
SALLER S.J.1941The Memorial of Moses on Mount Nebo (Ras Siyagha), I: Text, II:Plates , Jerusalem.
SALLER S.J.1935Les fouilles au Mont Nebo en 1935
SALLER S.J.1971Recent discoveries in the Nebo Region
SAUER J.A.1979Notes and News. New Byzantine Mosaic at Siyagha (Mt.Nebo)
SAUER J.A.1978News from the Field. In Search of the Ark of the Covenant on Mt.Nebo
STOCKTON E.D.1967Stone Age Culture in the Nebo Region, Jordan
VOGT E.1958Aetas Aeris Recentis in Transjordania
YONICK S.1967The Samaritan Inscription from Siyagha. A Reconstruction and Restudy
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This report summarizes the existing information in the system and should never be regarded as a final statement on the archaeological site being considered, nor should it be substituted for an on-site survey.