Primary Site name: SALIYEH
Other Site Names: JADIS: 2309002
Governorate: AMMAN Sub-governorate: Um Rsas
MEGA Number: 6536
Site Map:
Coordinates (Long Lat): 35.92027 31.45528, 35.92027 31.4554, 35.92042 31.4554, 35.92042 31.45528, 35.92027 31.45528
Total Area (m²): 198.8; Perimeter (m): 56.4
Buffer Zone (m): 0
Period(s) Recorded for Site:
9031 (Iron Age I); 9032 (Iron Age IIa-b); 9033 (Iron Age IIc); 9043 (Nabataean, Unspecified); 9045 (Roman, Late); 9046 (Roman, Unspecified); 9047 (Byzantine, Early); 9049 (Byzantine, Unspecified); 9050 (Islamic, Umayyad); 9053 (Islamic, Ayyubid); 9059 (Ottoman, Unspecified); 9999 (Unspecified/Unknown Period)
DoA Office Responsible:
Department of Antiquities, Amman
Site Investigators:
Investigator(s): JADIS IMPORT, DOA; None
Investigation Date: None
Site Comments: [e.g., accuracy of coordinates; directions to Site]
Site Significance:
Scientific Value
Historical Value
Aesthetic Value
Social Value
Spiritual Value
Record History:
Last Modified By
Last Modified On
Record Created On July 1, 2010
Record Review Status:
Status: Under Review
Reviewer: None
Review Date: None
The following 14 site element(s) have been recognized at this site:
MEGA NumberElement TypePeriod(s) Recorded for Site Element:
31423901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9047 Byzantine, Early
31424901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
31425901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9032 Iron Age IIa-b
31426901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9045 Roman, Late
31427514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
31428901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9031 Iron Age I
31429506 Fortress
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
31430513 Settlement, Fortified
9049 Byzantine, Unspecified
31431901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9053 Islamic, Ayyubid
31432901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9043 Nabataean, Unspecified
31433835 Water Structure, Cistern
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
31434513 Settlement, Fortified
9033 Iron Age IIc
31435901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9059 Ottoman, Unspecified
31436513 Settlement, Fortified
9046 Roman, Unspecified
Site References:
Primary AuthorDateTitle
BRUENNOW R. & VON DOMASZEWSKI A.1904Die Provincia Arabia auf Grund Zweier in den Jahren 1897 und 1898 unternommenen Reisen und der Berichte fruherer Reisender, 3 vols. , Strassburg.
GLUECK N.1933Explorations in Eastern Palestine I , Philadelphia. (AASOR 14 =EEP 1)
KIRKBRIDE D.V.W.1959Short Notes on Some Hitherto Unrecorded Prehistoric Sites in Transjordan
MUSIL A.1908Arabia Petraea. I: Moab, II: Edom. Topographischer Reisebericht, Wien.
PARKER S.T.1976Archaeological Survey of the "Limes Arabicus" : A Preliminary Report
VAN ZYL A.H.1960The Moabites , Leiden. (= Pretoria Oriental Studies 3)
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This report summarizes the existing information in the system and should never be regarded as a final statement on the archaeological site being considered, nor should it be substituted for an on-site survey.