Primary Site name: GHARANDAL
Other Site Names: ARINDELA, JADIS: 2101001, غرندل
Governorate: TAFILAH Sub-governorate: Bsaira
MEGA Number: 9821
Site Map:
Coordinates (Long Lat): 35.65569 30.71461, 35.65558 30.71426, 35.65532 30.7144, 35.6555 30.71465, 35.65488 30.71484, 35.65425 30.71516, 35.6544 30.71534, 35.65449 30.71546, 35.6546 30.71557, 35.65489 30.71565, 35.65517 30.71569, 35.65504 30.71532, 35.65582 30.71504, 35.65569 30.71461
Total Area (m²): 9579.4; Perimeter (m): 520.2
Buffer Zone (m): 0
Period(s) Recorded for Site:
9005 (Epi-Paleolithic); 9024 (Early Bronze, Unspecified); 9043 (Nabataean, Unspecified); 9044 (Roman, Early); 9046 (Roman, Unspecified); 9048 (Byzantine, Late); 9050 (Islamic, Umayyad); 9054 (Islamic, Mamluk); 9055 (Islamic, Unspecified); 9057 (Ottoman, Early); 9059 (Ottoman, Unspecified); 9060 (Modern (1915-1950)); 9999 (Unspecified/Unknown Period)
DoA Office Responsible:
Tafila Antiquities Office
Site Investigators:
Investigator(s): Ahmad Marafi, DOA; Emad Droos, DOA
Investigation Date: None
Site Comments: [e.g., accuracy of coordinates; directions to Site]
الى الجنوب من مدينة الطفيلة حوالي 22 كم في لواء بصيرا
Site Significance:
Scientific Value
Historical Value
Aesthetic Value
Social Value
Spiritual Value
Record History:
Last Modified By Samar Habahbeh
Last Modified On August 20, 2014
Record Created On July 1, 2010
Record Review Status:
Status: Under Review
Reviewer: None
Review Date: None
The following 16 site element(s) have been recognized at this site:
MEGA NumberElement TypePeriod(s) Recorded for Site Element:
42756899 Unspecified/Unknown General Site Element (Specify)
9054 Islamic, Mamluk
42752514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9059 Ottoman, Unspecified
42758514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9060 Modern (1915-1950)
42750513 Settlement, Fortified
9046 Roman, Unspecified
42753514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9050 Islamic, Umayyad
42747901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9024 Early Bronze, Unspecified
42748901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9057 Ottoman, Early
42757899 Unspecified/Unknown General Site Element (Specify)
9005 Epi-Paleolithic
42754514 Settlement, No Fortifications (Village)
9043 Nabataean, Unspecified
42751901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9054 Islamic, Mamluk
42759202 Animal Pen
9044 Roman, Early
42749820 Public Building
9999 Unspecified/Unknown Period
42761901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9055 Islamic, Unspecified
42760513 Settlement, Fortified
9048 Byzantine, Late
42755901 Sherd/Flint Surface Scatter (Unexcavated)
9043 Nabataean, Unspecified
42762301 Church/Chapel
9048 Byzantine, Late
Site References:
Primary AuthorDateTitle
AL-BALADHURI A.B.Y.1866Kitab Futuh al-Buldan , Leiden.
AL-ISTAKHRI A.1870Viae Regnorum , Leiden. (= BGA 1)
AL-YA`QUBI A.1892Kitab al-Buldan , Leiden. (=BGA 7)
AVI-YONAH M.1976Gazeteer of Roman Palestine , Jerusalem. (= Qedem 5)
BRUENNOW R. & VON DOMASZEWSKI A.1904Die Provincia Arabia auf Grund Zweier in den Jahren 1897 und 1898 unternommenen Reisen und der Berichte fruherer Reisender, 3 vols. , Strassburg.
GLUECK N.1933Explorations in Eastern Palestine I , Philadelphia. (AASOR 14 =EEP 1)
HILL G.1897A Journey to Petra - 1896
IBN AL-FAKIH1885Kitab al-Boldan , Leiden. (=BGA 5)
IBN HAUKAL A.K.1938Opus Geographicum , Leiden. (= BGA 2)
IBN KHURRADADHBEH1889Kitab al-Masalik wa'l Mamalik , Leiden. (= BGA 6)
LAGRANGE M.J.1897Notre exploration de Petra
MUSIL A.1908Arabia Petraea. I: Moab, II: Edom. Topographischer Reisebericht, Wien.
Walmsley, A.1999Town and Village: Site Transformations in South Jordan (The Gharandal ArchaeologicalProject, Second Season Report).
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Site images can be viewed and printed from MEGA.

This report summarizes the existing information in the system and should never be regarded as a final statement on the archaeological site being considered, nor should it be substituted for an on-site survey.